87. Two, Too, and To

These three words all sound the same, but they mean very different things – and that can be confusing.
Let’s take a close look at these three words and talk about some tricks for telling them apart.

This is the number word. It’s also the only one of these three words that has a W.
Tell your brain to remember that two with a W is a number word. The W is like an upside-down M in the word number. Or think of the W as a sideways 3. Use whichever trick will stick in your brain to help you remember that two is a number word.

Use this word to talk about too much. The weather is too cold or too snowy. I am too hot or too tired.
Too can also be used to mean also. Bob read the book too. Sandy is coming to the beach too.
Tell your brain to remember that the word too has two o’s. That extra o is too much, just like the meaning of the word.

To is used as a preposition to show location or position. I am going to the park. Mom is driving to the store.
To is also used as part of the verb. I am going to eat. Bob wants to play soccer.
Tell your brain to recognize that to talks about going someplace or doing something.

Two, too, and to all sound the same, but they mean different things. Use the tricks above. Train your brain to understand the differences between these three confusing words.

  • You try it. Which of the three words – two, too, or to – would you put into the blank in this sentence? We are trying ___  learn about three confusing words. Did you choose the word to? Good for you!