84. Easily Confused Words – Contractions

Contractions are words made from two words that have been pushed together and shortened.
Contractions always have an apostrophe (‘) inside. The apostrophe replaces letters taken out of the two words.

Certain contractions are similar to other words. Today we will look at contractions that are sometimes confused with other words.

they’re, there, and their
They’re is a contraction. It is really two words: they are.
Use they’re in a sentence when you can take the words apart and the sentence still makes sense.
They’re going home soon. They are going home soon.

There is a word showing location. There has the word here inside of it.
I will look over here. You look over there.

Their is a possessive pronoun.
Use their in a sentence when you want to show ownership.
My friends forgot their books.

you’re and your
is a contraction. It’s really two words: you are.
Use you’re in a sentence when you can take the words apart and the sentence still makes sense.
I hope you’re coming to my party. I hope you are coming to my party.

Your is a possessive pronoun.
Use your in a sentence when you want to show ownership.
I received your invitation.

we’re and were
We’re is a contraction. It’s really two words: we are.
Use we’re when you can separate the word into two words and the sentence still makes sense.
We’re going to a party. We are going to a party.

Were is a past tense linking verb or helping verb.
Use the linking verb were to connect a subject to an adjective or noun.
We were happy. They were students at the university.
Attach the helping verb were to an action verb to show past tense.
We were going to the party. The boys were eating.

The contractions they’re, you’re, and we’re are similar to other words and can sometimes be confusing. Anytime you want to use they’re, you’re or we’re, separate the contraction into two words and see if the sentence still makes sense.

  • Now you try it. Write a sentence with each of the contractions – they’re, you’re, we’re . Now take apart the contraction in each of your sentences. Do your sentences still make sense? Then you understand how to use these confusing words.