248. Abbreviations for the Names of the Months

We sometimes abbreviate the names of the months. We take out some letters and add a period to make the names of the months shorter.

Here are the common abbreviations for the names of the months of the year:
January – Jan.
February – Feb.
March – Mar.
April – Apr.
May – May
June – June
July – July
August – Aug.
September – Sept.
October – Oct.
November – Nov.
December – Dec.

Most of the months get abbreviated using the first three letters of the month followed by a period. September is the only month that has four letters in the abbreviation. May, June, and July are never abbreviated.

  • Now you try it. Rewrite this sentence using the abbreviation for each of the months in the sentence. I wrote January and February onto my calendar. Did you remember to use a period in each abbreviation? Good for you!