247. Abbreviations for Days of the Week

An abbreviation is a word that has been shortened by leaving out some of the letters. We sometimes abbreviate the names of the days of the week rather than write the complete name.

To write abbreviations of the days of the week, we use the first few letters of the name and then put a period to show that the name has been shortened. Here are the abbreviations for the names of the days of the week:

Sunday – Sun.
Monday – Mon.
Tuesday – Tues.
Wednesday – Wed.
Thursday – Thurs.
Friday – Fri.
Saturday – Sat.

When we abbreviate the name of a day of the week, we take off “day” and put a period at the end. With Wednesday, we take out a few extra letters to make the abbreviation.

  • Now you try it. Rewrite this sentence, replacing the abbreviation with an actual day of the week. Do you want to go shopping on Wed. or Thurs. of next week? That wasn’t so difficult, was it?