20. Practice Four Types of Sentences

We have learned about four types of sentences:

Section A – Now it’s your turn. Read each sentence below. Write D if it is Declarative. Write IN if it is Interrogative. Write IM if it is Imperative. Write E if it is Exclamatory. After each letter answer, also write the correct punctuation you would use.

Example: Do you understand how to do this Answer: IN?

  1. Our baseball team won the state championship
  2. Where did you put my textbook
  3. I can’t wait to see the new baby
  4. It gets dark very early now
  5. Stop talking
  6. I will drive you to school
  7. Look out
  8. Why did you do that
  9. How much does that cost
  10. I believe in being kind to others
  11. What did you say
  12. Put that on the counter


1- E!
2- IN?
3- E!
4- D.
5- IM, or !
6- D.
7- IM. or !
8- IN?
9- IN?
10- D.
11- IN?
12- IM.