Grammar, Plain and Simple

Are you uncomfortable with writing? Unsure about grammar usage? Maybe English is your second language. Perhaps you want help with homeschooling instruction, or you need practice and review for standardized tests. Maybe you just enjoy the challenge of learning new things.

 Grammar, Plain and Simple is for you.

Just as there are rules of the road for driving, we have grammar rules for communication. When you know the rules, you can write with confidence. I’ve been teaching language arts for many years, helping students learn proper grammar so that they can express themselves through writing and speaking. Students often tell me I’m the first teacher they’ve had who explains grammar in a way they can understand. Their words inspired me to write this blog.

In Grammar, Plain and Simple, I’ll explain grammar rules in plain language simple enough to be understood. Each post will be short, covering one tiny piece of grammar. The posts won’t take much time to read, but each will make you a stronger writer. 

Ready to learn? I’ll post daily, Monday through Friday. The posts will include grammar instruction, review and practice exercises, and writing tips. Plan to check in regularly. My goal is to help you by making English grammar plain and simple.