954. A Noun Acts as an Object – Object of the Preposition

A noun can act as the object of a preposition in a sentence. The object of the preposition is the last word in a prepositional phrase.

Here is prepositional phrase: over the bridge
The noun bridge is the last word in the prepositional phrase and it is called the object of the preposition.

Here are more examples of a prepositional phrase:
under the sink
on the table
inside the cabinet
in the drawer
by the door
outside the fence
below the counter
The last word in each phrase is a noun that acts as the object of the preposition.

A noun in a prepositional phrase is the object of the preposition.

It’s your turn. Find the object of the preposition in this sentence: I keep my coat inside the closet. Did you find the noun that acts as the object of the preposition? Good for you!

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