780. Practice with Prepositions

Section A: Find the preposition in each of these prepositional phrases.
1. over the bridge
2. under the sofa
3. inside the closet
4. into the classroom
5. around the yard
6. before the wedding
7. after dinner

Section B: Find the prepositional phrase in each sentence below.
8. Bob washed the dishes after lunch.
9. Our cat ran into the bedroom.
10. Walk slowly when going down the stairs.
11. I hid my diary in the attic.
12. We have a patio under the deck.
13. My bedroom is over the garage.
14. The day before my birthday is Memorial Day.

Answers: 1-over; 2-under; 3-inside; 4- into; 5- around; 6-before; 7-after; 8-after lunch; 9-into the bedroom; 10-down the stairs; 11-in the attic; 12-under the deck; 13- over the garage; 14-before my birthday.