593. Adverbs of Place Tell Where the Action Occurs

Adverbs tell more about a verb. Adverbs of place tell where the action is happening.

Here are some common adverbs of place that tell where:
here, there, everywhere, nowhere, nearby, far, up, down, over, under, inside, outside

Notice how the adverb of place tells where the action in the sentence is happening.
The picture fell down.
I knocked over the glass of water.
John ran outside.
The team will practice here.
Mr. Davis hit the ball far.
My grandma lives nearby.

Adverbs of place modify a verb by telling where the action is occurring.

▶It’s your turn. Find the adverbs of place in this sentence. My dog stays inside, but my cat lives outside.
Did you find those two adverbs that show location? Good for you!