566. Unusual Past Tense Verbs

Some past tense verbs look the same as the present tense. These unusual past tense verbs do not change form at all. Here is a partial list of these unusual past tense verbs:

Today I bet on the horse races. Yesterday I bet on the basketball game.
We broadcast the show today at 2:00. Yesterday we broadcast the show at noon.
I cut the grass every week. Last week I cut the grass twice.
Today I hit the baseball. Yesterday I hit the baseball.
I put my clothes in the closet today. Last night I put my jacket in the closet.
I read during study hall. Yesterday I read during lunch.
Today I shut the door quietly. Yesterday I shut the door really loudly.

Certain verbs use the same form for both present and past tense. You will need to learn these unusual verbs so that you can use them correctly.

▶Now you try it. Here is a present tense sentence. I hurt my foot every time I go running. Can you use this verb in a past tense sentence? Good for you!