367. You’re vs. Your

The word you’re is a contraction. A contraction is formed by bumping two words together to make one word. A contraction always has an apostrophe (‘) to show where letters have been taken out.

The contraction you’re is formed by pushing together the words you are. The letter a has been bumped out when the two words were pushed together. You are = you’re

You are a special person. You’re a special person.
You are my best friend. You’re my best friend.

The word your is a possessive pronoun. Your takes the place of a person’s name and is used when talking about how that person owns something.

You own a dog. That dog is your dog.
You have a new car. That car is your new car.

Use the word you’re with the apostrophe when you really mean to say you are.
Use your when you speak to a person about something they own.

▶Now you try it. Decide which word – you’re or your – fits into this sentence: I think you dropped _____ book. Did you choose the possessive pronoun? Good for you!