Section A: Find the common nouns in each sentence below.
1. Three ducks are swimming on the pond.
2. I read three books and watched two movies this summer.
3. Our dog likes to sleep on the rug.
4. Let’s play volleyball at the picnic.
Section B: Find the proper noun in each sentence.
5. I got a teaching job at Washington School.
6. Mom always has good ideas.
7. Our neighbor is Dr. Johnson.
8. My favorite state is California.
Section C: Decide if the noun is a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.
9. book
10. friendship
11. love
12. nurse
13. playground
14. ball
15. sister
Answers: 1- ducks, pond; 2-books, movies, summer; 3-dog, rug; 4-volleyball, picnic; 5-Washington School; 6-Mom; 7-Dr. Johnson; 8-California; 9-thing; 10-idea; 11-idea; 12-person; 13-place; 14-thing; 15-person.