Section A: Find the subject in each sentence below.
1. Mom baked a cake for my birthday.
2. The cars are lined up near the school.
3. Five little squirrels are running in the yard.
4. John told a story to the class.
5. The dog licked me.
Section B: Decide if each noun needs the article a or the article an.
6. ___ apple
7. ___ bus
8. ___ train
9. ___ orange
10. ___scooter
11. ___ idea
12. ___ opportunity
Answers: 1- Mom; 2- cars; 3- squirrels; 4- John; 5- dog; 6- an apple; 7- a bus; 8- a train; 9- an orange; 10- a scooter; 11- an idea; 12- an opportunity.