925. Practice with Confusing Words

Section A: Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. The cat chased ____ tails. (it’s, its)
2. I think _____ going to visit the zoo tomorrow. (we’re, were)
3. I like _____ new car. (you’re, your)
4. My neighbors painted ______ house a nice color. (they’re, their, there)
5. I’m afraid ____ too dark to play anymore baseball tonight. (it’s, its)
6. Mom says ______ are more cookies in the cupboard. (they’re, their, there)
7. Please call me if _____ planning to come over. (you’re, your)
8. Mom and Dad are so happy that _______ able to vacation in Hawaii this winter. (they’re, their, there)
9. Last week, we _____ in Florida. (we’re, were)

Answers: 1-its; 2-we’re; 3-your; 4-their; 5-it’s; 6-there; 7-you’re; 8-they’re; 9-were.

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