880. Practice with Compound Sentences

Section A: Insert a comma into each sentence if necessary. Write NO if it does not need a comma.
1. Bob is a singer and Mary plays clarinet.
2. John went to Florida and visited his sister.
3. The rain has stopped but the roads are still muddy.
4. Should we buy this car or is it too expensive?
5. Jim is mowing the lawn so you don’t have to do it.
6. The sun is setting and the temperature is dropping.
7. I’ve been accepted into college yet we still don’t know about a scholarship.
8. The sun is warm but the wind is cool.
9. She is singing and dancing.
10; Danny is shy and his sister is very outgoing.

Answers: 1- ,and; 2- NO; 3-,but; 4-,or; 5-,so; 6-,and; 7-,yet; 8-,but; 9-NO; 10-,and.

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