877. Comma Rules – the FANBOYS

Every compound sentence uses a comma with a conjunction. There are seven conjunctions that are used in compound sentences. The first letter of each conjunction placed in a certain order spells out FANBOYS.
Here are the seven conjunctions used in compound sentences:
F – for
A – and
N – nor
B – but
O –or
Y – yet
S – so

I won’t go to school, for it is Saturday.
I play volleyball, and my brother plays lacrosse.
I cannot shoot a basketball, nor can I kick a field goal.
It’s cloudy today, but it is not raining.
We can see a movie, or we can go bowling.
I have a job, yet I still can’t afford a car.
I lost my keys, so I can’t get into the house.

Use one of the conjunctions – the FANBOYS – with a comma when writing a compound sentence.

▶Now you try it. Use a comma and one of the FANBOYS to join these two sentences. You can have a cookie. You can have a slice of cake. Did you figure out which of the conjunctions works best to connect these two sentences into a compound sentence? Good for you!

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