875. More Practice with Comma Rules

Section A: Place a comma or commas into each sentence as needed.
1. Hey can you do something for me?
2. I need to put $2500 into the bank.
3. I found ants centipedes and worms in my basement.
4. Let’s get some cold yummy ice cream for dessert.
5. Oh no I left my wallet at home.
6. That house is listed on the market for $2000000.
7. Well I won’t be buying that house anytime soon.
8. It is a big beautiful house.

Answers: 1- Hey, can; 2-$2,500; 3- ants, centipedes, and worms; 4- cold, yummy; 5-Oh no, I; 6-$2,000,000; 7-Well, I; 8- big, beautiful.

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