814. Intransitive Action Verbs

Sometimes an action verb does not transfer action. That action verb is an intransitive verb.

An action verb is intransitive if the verb ends the sentence.
Jack runs.
Betty sings.

An action verb is also intransitive if the verb is followed by a prepositional phrase.
Jack runs around the track.
Betty sings in the choir.

An action verb followed by an adverb is also an intransitive verb.
Jack runs quickly.
Betty sings loudly.

Not all action verbs are transitive. When an action verb is followed by a prepositional phrase, an adverb, or nothing at all, the action verb cannot transfer action and it is intransitive.

▶Look at these two sentences. Can you tell which sentence has an intransitive verb? John plays piano. John plays loudly. Did you figure it out? The second sentence has an intransitive verb.