740. Practice with Adjectives

Section A: Find the adjective in each sentence. It may be a color word, a number word, an ordinal number, or a word that shows size.
1. My team plays their first game on Saturday.
2. We wear green uniforms.
3. My goal is to score at least ten points.
4. Jack is a tall boy.
5. He wears large shoes.
6. He took second place in the race last week.
7. He has won four ribbons so far this season.
8. Dad has a red truck.
9. The upholstery is black.
10. Jean has a white kitten.
11. The kitten is tiny.
12. I bought a blue dress.

Answers: 1-first; 2-green; 3-ten; 4-tall; 5-large; 6-second; 7-four; 8-red; 9-black; 10-white; 11-tiny; 12-blue.