An abstract noun names something that exists but cannot be seen. Abstract nouns name feelings, emotions, character traits, and other abstract ideas. Here are some examples of abstract nouns:
happiness, fear, love, anger, bravery, sarcasm, hope, charity, idealism, patriotism, hate, wealth.
We can use the articles a, an, and the to do a noun test on these words. If we can use a, an, or the with a word, then that word is a noun. Look at these sentences using abstract nouns. Each sentence has an article before the abstract noun.
The bravery Carl demonstrated in the war earned him a medal.
Bob could feel the love of the crowd when he hit a home run.
I was impressed with the charity of those who donated to the cause.
The multitude of flags attested to the patriotism of the people.
Abstract nouns are words that name abstract qualities such as emotions, characteristics, and feelings.
It’s your turn. Find the abstract noun in this sentence. John could see the fear in the caged tiger’s eyes. Did you figure it out? Good for you!