Section A: Write rise or raise in each blank.
1. The bread dough will _____ before we bake it.
2. I need to ____ the shades so the sun can shine in.
3. We will need to _____ before 7 if we want to get to the airport on time.
Section B: Write sit or set in each blank:
4. Just ____ those boxes on the floor.
5. Why don’t you ___ down and rest for a bit.
6. I always ____ in the same chair.
Section C: Write lie or lay in each blank.
7. I like to ____ on a beach towel next to the pool.
8. Please ____ your coat on that bench.
9. The worker said they will ____ our carpet tomorrow.
Section D: Write resign or re-sign in each blank.
10. My dad wants to _____ from his busy job.
11. Did you _____ the lease for another year?
12. I can ____ that document if the first time wasn’t good enough.
Answers: 1- rise; 2-raise; 3-rise; 4-set; 5-sit; 6-sit; 7-lie; 8-lay; 9-lay; 10-resign; 11-re-sign; 12-re-sign.