We sometimes use quotation marks around a word or group of words to show emphasis. The quotation marks cause the reader to hit the word or words a little harder for emphasis. Look at this example:
My mother always tells me I’m “capable” – but she doesn’t let me do anything alone.
Do you see how the writer wants the reader to put emphasis on the word capable?
Here are more examples:
Tom was being mean; he told me to come see him when I have a “real” problem next time.
My brother, John Junior, always goes by the nickname “Sonny.”
Use quotation marks to emphasize a word or group of words in your writing.
▶It’s your turn. Decide which word in this sentence is being emphasized. Place quotation marks around it: My brother always tells me to stop being such a baby when I scrape my knee. Did you find the best word to emphasize in the sentence? Good for you!