Section A: Decide which of these sentences are complex sentences – sentences that have a subordinate clause in them.
1. If you get my message in time, I’ll see you at the gym.
2. Today is hot and steamy, so I hope we can go to the pool.
3. While the furnace is running, I can’t hear the television.
4. Open the door and let the dog inside.
5. Since I owe you money, let me take you out to dinner.
6. Three dogs ran past the house, and my dog started barking.
7. Before you start complaining, let me explain why I am late.
8. I don’t like dark rooms.
Section B: Decide which of these are complete sentences and which are fragments.
9. The mail didn’t get delivered today.
10. When we don’t get mail.
11. The truck has a flat tire, so I will be late to school.
12. Whenever we eat dinner late.
13. Because I lost the keys.
14. Open the door for me.
Answers: 1- complex; 2- no; 3-complex; 4-no; 5-complex; 6-no; 7-complex; 8- no; 9-sentence; 10-fragment; 11-sentence; 12-fragment; 13-fragment; 14-sentence.