441. The Common Noun

A common noun is a word that names a thing or an object. A common noun always begins with a lower-case letter. Here are some common nouns:
dog, cat, boy, girl, box, sofa, tree, sun, letter, truck, ball, bicycle, book
Everywhere you look, you can see common nouns.

The parts of your body are common nouns: arm, leg, eye, face, head, foot, mouth, heart, brain

The objects in your bedroom are common nouns: bed, dresser, chair, closet, desk, lamp, tablet or laptop

Objects outside are common nouns: tree, grass, street, stop sign, sidewalk, porch, sandbox, fence

Common nouns are objects that can be seen and touched. Common nouns are not capitalized.

▶It’s your turn. Can you find three common nouns in this sentence? The bird found a worm in the grass. Did you find three objects in this sentence that you can see and touch? Good for you! Those words are common nouns.