426. Using the Verbs Lie and Lay

Use the present tense verb lie to talk about someone doing something themselves.
I lie on the couch to watch television.
I will lie on the bed and rest.
My dog lies on the rug by the window.

The verb lie takes the past tense lay.
Today I lie on the couch. Yesterday I lay on the couch.
Today my dog lies on the rug. Yesterday my dog lay on the rug.

Use the present tense verb lay when someone is doing something to an object.
We lay silverware on the table before dinner.
I will lay my books on the counter while I eat a snack.
My dog lays his bone in my lap.

The verb lay takes the past tense laid.
Today I lay these boxes on the floor. Yesterday I laid the boxes on the floor.
Today she lays her clothes on the bed. Yesterday she laid her clothes on the bed.

Use the present tense verb lie to talk about someone doing something themselves. Use the present tense verb lay when someone is doing something to an object. I will lie down. I will lay an object down.

▶It’s your turn. Which verb should to into the blank? Lay, lie, or laid? Last night, Mom ____ her coat on a chair. Did you choose past tense? Did you choose the verb that goes with an object? Good for you!