333. Contractions With Pronouns

Contractions are words formed by pushing two words together to make one word. Today we’ll talk about contractions made by putting a pronoun and an existence verb together. The first letter of the verb gets bumped out, replaced by an apostrophe.

I am = I’m
you are = you’re
we are = we’re
they are = they’re

he is = he’s
she is = she’s

I am a writer. I’m a writer.
You are my friend. You’re my friend.
We are in school. We’re in school.
They are late. They’re late.
She is a girl. She’s a girl.

You can form a contraction by pushing together a pronoun and an existence verb. The first letter of the verb is replaced with an apostrophe.

  • It’s your turn. Find the contraction in this sentence. It looks like they’re starting the game early. Write the two words that make the contraction. Did you write a pronoun and a verb? Good for you!