265. Practice With Collective Nouns

Section A: Find the collective noun in each sentence.
1. I brought a cake to serve to the group.
2. Our Boy Scout troop is going on a campout.
3. The herd of cattle is clustered near the fence.
4. I went to school last night to practice with the choir.
5. Our school band has a concert next Friday.
6. A flock of birds is roosting in my tree.
7. The family next door built a new garage.
8. My aunt’s dog just had a litter of puppies.
9. There was a huge crowd at the ballgame last night.
10. I heard a pack of wolves howling last night.

Section B: Insert a singular verb or a singular pronoun into each blank below.
11. The deck of cards ___ on the table.
12. Our scout troop ___ planning a Bingo event.
13. The team won ____ first game yesterday.
14. The gang built ____ clubhouse in the woods.
15. The band ______ playing music last night.

Answers: 1.group; 2.troop; 3.herd; 4.choir; 5.band; 6.flock; 7.family; 8.litter; 9.crowd; 10.pack; 11.is or was; 12.is or was; 13.its; 14.its; 15.its.