241. Declarative Sentences

A declarative sentence is a telling sentence.
A declarative sentence makes a statement.
A declarative sentence always ends with a period (.) .

These sentences each make a statement. These are declarative sentences.
Today is Monday.
The school will be closed next week.
My car wouldn’t start today.

Anytime you write something that is telling information, that sentence is a declarative sentence.
Always end a declarative sentence with a period. The period tells that reader that the sentence is finished.
The period also tells the reader the sentence is a telling sentence that is giving information.

A declarative sentence is a telling sentence. A declarative sentence gives information to the reader. Always use a period at the end of a declarative sentence.

  • Now you try it. Think of two things that you are planning to do today. Write a sentence about each thing that you plan to do. Each of those sentences is a declarative sentence. You are telling the reader some information. Be sure to put a period at the end of each of your declarative sentences. Good job!