Section A: Decide where you would put a comma in each sentence below. If the sentence does not need a comma, write NO.
1. If you drop the dishes they will break.
2. I found a lost dog but he has no collar.
3. Sam is washing his car because it is covered in mud.
4. Today is sunny but yesterday we had rain.
5. I’m glad that it rained because the garden was dry.
6. My neighbor is mowing while his wife trims the bushes.
7. When the wind blows the leaves fall down.
8. I bought a new rake but I haven’t used it yet.
9. Jim is upset because his dog ran away.
10. The room feels cooler when the window is open.
Section B: Write S if it is a sentence. Write F if it is a fragment.
11. Because I dropped the book.
12. After I finish my homework.
13. The sun is setting early today.
14. We can’t play the game if it rains.
15. Our teacher scheduled a test for Thursday.
16. If we pass the test.
17. I bought a new guitar since the store was having a sale.
18. Unless we can get a better deal somewhere else.
Answers: 1-dishes,they ; 2-dog,but ; 3-NO ; 4-sunny,but ;5-NO ; 6-NO ; 7-blows,the ; 8-rake,but ; 9-NO; 10-NO;
11-F ; 12-F ; 13-S ; 14-S ; 15-S ; 16-F ; 17-S ; 18-F