212. Using the Conjunction And

The conjunction and is one of the FANBOYS. We use and to join two simple sentences into a compound sentence.

A compound sentence has two complete thoughts.
Bob is writing a story, and Mary is drawing a picture.

Do you see how this sentence has two things happening? The conjunction and joins the two short sentences together. Whenever we use the conjunction and to make a compound sentence, we must use a comma with and.

I am eating ice cream, and Mom is drinking coffee.
We have a second subject doing something after and – Mom drinking coffee – so we need a comma with and.

Do not use a comma when and joins two subjects together.
Bob and Sam are playing music with their guitars.

In this sentence, there is no subject doing something after and – so we don’t use a comma.
Jack went downtown and bought a new coat.

Only use ,and when joining two simple sentences into a compound sentence.

  • Now you try it. Decide which of these two sentences needs a comma before and. The teacher read a book and showed us pictures. Jane is hungry and Dad is making dinner. Did you say the second sentence needs a comma? Then you are correct. The second sentence has two complete thoughts, so we put a comma in front of and.