Italics are most often used for titles and names. However, we sometimes use italics when we want to emphasize certain words in our writing. Italicizing the words makes them stand out to the reader.
Here is an example of using italics because you just want to strengthen your emphasis on a word.
I ate not just one but two pieces of Mom’s pumpkin pie.
We also use italics when we insert a foreign word into our writing. The italics alert the reader to the fact that this word is unusual.
When my son went off to college, I encouraged him with the Latin phrase carpe diem.
Maybe we are comparing two words and we want them to stand out from the rest of the sentence. Look at this example:
The words though and bow are spelled very differently, but the two words rhyme.
We also use italics when we are trying to draw attention to just one word.
I’ve always loved the word flibbertigibbet; it makes me laugh.
Putting a word into italics emphasizes the word and makes it stand out for the reader.