155. More Practice With Commas

Section A: For each sentence below, insert a comma where necessary. Some sentences may not need a comma.
1. The teacher said “Take out a pencil and get ready for the test.”
2. We traveled to Atlanta Georgia during spring break.
3. She drives a big sporty car.
4. “I like frogs and snakes” Bob said.
5. These students are the smartest happiest kids I’ve ever seen.

6. My new address is 240 E. Oak Street Garden City Oklahoma 37371.
7. “I’m wondering” said Dad “when I can expect to have the lawn mowed.”
8. Paris France is the best place for a summer vacation.
9. That big comfy couch is my favorite seat.
10. I played in the exciting championship game.

Section B: In each of these quotations, decide where to insert a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point.
11. “What are you doing” asked Bill.
12. “I can’t believe we are going to Hawaii” Mary shouted.
13. “It’s time for dinner” Billy told his sister.
14. “Will I ever have enough money for a new car” Sara wondered “or will I be stuck with this heap forever?”
15. Sam said “I’m going to the library after school.”

Answers: 1- comma after said (before the quotation marks) ; 2- commas after Atlanta and Georgia; 3- comma after big; 4-comma after snakes inside the quotation marks; 5-comma after smartest; 6-commas after Street and City; 7- comma after wondering (inside the quotation marks) and after Dad (before the quotation marks); 8-commas after Paris and France; 9-comma after big; 10-no comma; 11-question mark after doing (inside the quotation marks); 12- exclamation point after Hawaii (inside the quotation marks); 13- comma after dinner (inside the quotation marks); 14- comma after car (inside the quotation marks) and comma after wondered (before the quotation marks); 15- comma after said (before the quotation marks)