127. Knight and Night

Knight and night are both nouns. They are spelled differently, but they sound exactly the same.

The -k in knight is silent, so the word begins with an -n sound.
A knight was a man who served as a soldier in long-ago times. When a man became a knight, he had to kneel before his lord. The word kneel has a silent -k just like the word knight.
The knight was happy to protect his lord, King Arthur.
The brave knight carried a sword when he rode into battle.

Night is the dark part of our 24-hour day.
At night, we turn on lights in our house.
We usually sleep at night and stay awake during the daytime.

Remember that the knight who kneels begins with a -k. The night with an -n comes after day.

  • It’s your turn. Write a sentence about the kneeling knight . Then write a sentence with the night that comes after day. That was pretty easy, wasn’t it?