When you write, it is important to maintain a consistent tense throughout your piece of writing. In other words, be sure to have the action happen all in one tense.
Sometimes we tell a story in the present tense, like this:
Bob goes to school every day. He studies hard and learns as much as he can. Bob wants to be a doctor when he grows up.
Sometimes we tell a story in past tense, like this:
Bob went to school every day. He studied hard and learned as much as he could. Bob wanted to be a doctor when he grew up.
We can also tell the story in future tense, like this:
Bob will go to school every day. He will study hard and learn as much as he can. Bob will want to be a doctor when he grows up.
When you write, be sure to use a consistent verb tense throughout the piece of writing.
It’s your turn. This piece of writing uses a mix of past, present, and future tense. Rewrite this so that it is all in the same tense – either past, present, or future. I vacationed in Florida. The weather is hot. The sun will shine every day. Did you figure it out?