1034. Past Tense Verbs that Stay the Same

Some verbs do not add -ed when showing past tense. A few verbs stay the same for both present tense and past tense. Here is a list of those verbs that are the same for both present tense and past tense:
bet, let, set, hit, hurt, cost, cut, put, quit, shut, split, spread

Today I bet you will win the game. Yesterday I bet on some horses in a race.
I set the table today for lunch. Yesterday I set some glasses on the table.
Today the eggs cost two dollars. Yesterday the eggs cost three dollars.
I am tired of this game and I quit. Yesterday my brother quit his job.

Certain verbs stay the same for both present and past tense.

It’s your turn. Try making a sentence with this verb as a present tense verb and then as a past tense verb: hurt. Did you figure it out? Good for you!

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