A preposition is a word that shows the position of an object.
Some prepositions tell location: in, inside, out, outside, above, beneath, behind.
Prepositions also tell direction: up, down, toward, from, over, under
A preposition is always placed at the beginning of a prepositional phrase. The Prepositional Phrase begins with a preposition and ends with the object of the preposition.
Look at these examples of location prepositions:
The coat is inside the closet.
My cat is hiding behind the door.
The ceiling fan is above my head.
Here are examples of prepositions that show direction:
The airplane flew over our house.
We walked toward the theater.
The dog ran under the bridge.
Use a preposition to show location and direction. A preposition always begins a prepositional phrase.
It’s your turn. Find the preposition in this sentence. Some people think outside the box. Did you figure it out? Good for you.