A prepositional phrase is formed by joining a preposition and an object of the preposition. A preposition is always the first word of a prepositional phrase. Prepositions tell the position of an object. Here are some common prepositions: in, out, near, on, under, over, by, behind. Always use these prepositions as part of a phrase.
Look at these examples of sentences with a prepositional phrase.
Put the milk in the refrigerator.
The bird flew out the window.
I sat near the door.
The cat slept on the rug.
My shoes are under the bed.
A plane went over our house.
Notice that the first word of the phrase is a preposition. The last word of each phrase is a noun. The prepositional phrase tells the position of the noun.
Use a prepositional phrase in a sentence to tell the position of a noun.
It’s your turn. Find the preposition in this sentence: My dog is hiding behind the car. Did you figure out which word tells the position of the dog? Good for you!