1003. Demonstrative Adjectives

A demonstrative adjective is a describing word that points to a certain noun.
There are four demonstrative adjectives in the English language: this, that, these, those
The words this and that are singular demonstrative adjectives.
The words these and those are plural demonstrative adjectives.

Look a these sentence examples:
I like this house. The word this points to the singular noun house.
Look at that monkey. The word that points to the singular noun monkey.
I will rake these leaves. The word these points to the plural noun leaves.
Jan found those books at a garage sale. The word those points to the plural noun books.

Use the demonstrative adjectives this, that, these, and those to modify a noun by pointing to the noun.

It’s your turn. Find the demonstrative adjective in this sentence. I will put these boxes in the basement. Did you find the word? Good for you!

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