100. Practice with Confusing Prepositions

Section A. Look closely at each sentence. Is the underlined word an adverb modifying the action or a preposition beginning a prepositional phrase and showing position? Write A for adverb and P for preposition.
1. My little sister ran ahead of me.
2. I hate when she runs ahead.
3. Is the movie over yet?
4. Put the blanket over the birdcage.
5. I keep my cat inside the house.
6. Cats can get hurt outside.
7. I’ll meet you at the playground.
8. We can sit on the swings.

Section B. Read each sentence. Decide if the dark italicized words are a prepositional phrase (no action) or a subordinate clause (action). Write PP for prepositional phrase or SC for subordinate clause.
9. Before I eat dinner, I need to go for a run.
10. I have practice before school.
11. Since this morning, I’ve had a headache.
12. I don’t bother taking medication since it doesn’t help anyway.
13. After I do my homework, I’ll help you move that box.
14. School is out after fifth period tomorrow.

Section C. In each sentence, decide if the word to is a preposition (attached to an object as part of a phrase) or an infinitive (attached to a verb). Write P for preposition and I for infinitive.
15. Sarah walked with me to school today.
16. It was too cold to ride our bikes.
17. Do you want to stop at the drugstore for hot chocolate?
18. I think we should go to your house.

Section D. Choose the correct word for each sentence below.
19. Sandy sat (between, among) her mother and her father.
20. Those flowers are growing (between, among) the weeds.
21. A jet plane flew (over, above) our house last night.
22. It looked like a tiny dot (over, above) us.

Answers: 1-P; 2-A; 3-A; 4-P; 5-P; 6-A; 7-P; 8-P; 9-SC; 10-PP; 11-PP; 12-SC; 13-SC; 14-PP; 15-P; 16-I; 17-I; 18-P; 19-between; 20-among; 21-over; 22-above.